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Pracovni doba
Konzulární oddělení
Rozhovor Naměstka Ministra Zahraničí
Českomalinská 7/20
160 00Praha 6
Telefon: 220410811

» Všeobecné Informace

» Dny Volna

Embassy is closed on all anniversaries and holidays when the Czech Republic is officially free
- Saturday and Sunday
- Al-Futr holiday (movable, according to the Islamic calendar) 3 days
- Al-Adha (movable, according to Islam). calendars/ 4 days
- Islamic New Year / movable, according to Islam. - Feast of the Birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
(movable, according to Islam). calendars.
- New Year's Day January 1
- Easter holiday /by East.
- Easter holiday /according to the west. Calendars/
- Anniversary of the Revolution March 8
- Mother's Day /March 21/
- National Day /April 17 – Independence Anniversary/
- May Day
- Martyrs' Day /May 6/
- Anniversary of the October Liberation War /October 6/
- Christmas .



©2010 The Embassy of Syria in Prague
Českomalinská 7/20
160 00 Praha 6
Česká Republika

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